This DLC is a score challenge where you run over targets in your vehicle to attain certain scores, then repeated around the map around 10 times. Just Cause 4: Dare Devils of Destruction DLC (did not finish) I could not have finished this if I didn't cheese it using the jet powered wingsuit and its missiles.

It is one hectic mission where you have to destroy stuff and these demonic bats are constantly trying to slaughter you, repeated around the map about 10 times.

You do get a pretty cool hoverboard with this DLC that can be used anywhere, and after beating the missions you unlock some time trial hoverboard courses which are probably the only good content of this DLC. It is basically one mission involving destroying objects on a submarine, and then that same mission repeated around the map about 10 times. Mine came with all of the DLC so I had the jet powered wingsuit which is part of the deluxe edition (comes with the Reloaded version of the game which is now the base version on digital), I find this is an essential part of the game and I couldn't imagine playing without it. If that's what it takes to not be playing a slideshow, I'll take it. The overall visuals have taken a drastic hit compared to 3 in order to achieve the smooth performance, it is pretty unsightly but you get used to it. The performance was good on my Pro, I noticed only maybe 5 times total that there was any slow down.